Take my sorrow away / Alejar la pena / Taktu sorgina
Oil on Canvas 20 x 20

The little bird is telling her not to be sorry and let it out because the happyness is close by!
Happyness / Alegria / Hamingja
Oil on Canvas 20 x 20

The happyness is a state of mind. With a natural spell we can take all bad feelings away. I´m not sorry because I respect my unperfect body and soul. I´m here to learn and want to absorb the most in this short and pleasant life!
I put a spell on you
I put a spell on you
These pieces are so beautiful! I love how you captured two completely different emotions and the sweet little bird telling her it will all be ok. Great use of symbols, colors and layout.
They both are really fantastic. Well done!
I like both of the paintings and I think the runes are great concept!
Congratulations to you!
So we both believe that the bird can take away sorrow:-). Your illos are really beautiful. I love the bliss on the woman's face in the second illo. I can feel her happiness!
wow, great outlook on life! nice paintings, thanks for sharing!
; )
This sweet bird has taken all the bad feeling away, I wonder long the spell lasts. I think these two pieces are wonderful!
How Beautiful!!! love the concept!
Beautiful. I love when you say you are not sorry because you respect your unperfect you. That's one great spell to put on everyone on earth! Life really is for living and worth enjoying to the most.
Hej Zordis!
It's a beautiful image! The women and the bird is jusl wonderful - and your comment too: you respect your unperfect you.
Du har ret, ingen af os er perfekte, men vi skal ikke hakke os oveni hovedet for det, vi skal have respekt for os selv alligevel. Og så får andre det sikkert også.
Den lille fugl er så smuk, så poetisk at tænke, at den kan trylle sorger væk -
ha' det godt - hilsen georg
Thank you for this beautiful post. I love your paintings! Both are gorgeous. The top one the bird definitely gives the sense that happiness is nearby and that there is hope. Love them both!!!
These are so pretty! I love the contrast of the red hair and the green bird in the top picture, and then the sweet, happy smile in the bottom one. I like the concept behind them...it makes them so special beyond their visual beauty.
what a beautiful outlook and artwork to match it!!! So fitting that you are the featured artist as everyone loves the beauty and love that oozes from your art!!!
Lo que yo daría por escuchar ese canto de pajarillo, y así tan cerquita :) preciosa ilustración.
Your work is full of emotions. Love the colours especially. It's awesome how you translate "bad feelings" to something good and beautiful.
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